Though Marion Davies is best known as the William Randolph Hearst’smistress, she was also an excellent actress. A trio of her lesserknown films are begin released by Undercrank Productions including WhenKnighthood was in Flower [reviewhere], The Bride’s Play, and this film, 1922’s Beauty’sWorth. A light comedy, the film is enjoyable and fun andMarion Davies is delightful.
Prudence Cole (Davies) is a young girl who is being raised by hertwo maiden aunts. Her guardians are strict Quakers “to whom thewhole Twentieth Century is a work of Satan.” Needless to say, it’s aquiet lifestyle.
When Prudence’s childhood friend, Henry, comes for a visit with hismother the two have a great time catching up after being apart foryears. At the end of the visit Henry’s mother invites…Read the entire review
Source: DVD Talk